Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hello All

Title Fights is a prompt-writing experiment. Inspired by an annual AWP reading series, Title Fights began with a few people at a small midwest college but has since grown to such proportions as to necessitate this blog. This very blog right here.

Not to wax delusions-of-grandeur, but we'll take this as far as we can. We won't say this will even be an Online Literary Magazine because though it may become that, we wouldn't want it to stop there if it didn't have to. Likewise, we won't say this will become a Printed Hardcover Anthology, Printed Glossy-Covered Paperback Monthly Magazine, Bi-Monthly Oversized Journal or Daily Paper read by every peace loving leader of every war torn nation. That would be getting ahead of ourselves.

For the time being we'll keep it as simple as this: We will invite writers to submit stories based on themed prompts we supply. A theme? A theme, for instance, might be Race Horse Names ("Daddy Gets Drunk) or US State Mottoes ("To Be, Rather Than to Seem"). The story, however, can be as tangentially connected to the prompt as the writer pleases. We will be as discriminating in our publication as our pool of submissions allows.

Thank you and you're welcome,
